odds n ends
By Carl Howard
...If it isn't one thing it's some ...It's so sad to hear of the thing else, Thom D. First it was Asparagus fern's death, Frank. the "typewriter," now it's screamBut I am glad you found another-Ing eagles' off the walls! You do -do hang it more carefully; pergo for the unusual ones, don't haps a bit more strategically... you?...
...The monthly meeting of the GEAR Foundation Beard of Trustees will be held April 15, 1980 at the Community Center. 7:30 P.M. starting time; everyone is welcome....
...Congratulations & Best Wishes to HOPE & MELINDA on the occasion of their FIRST ANNIVERSARY!!(May 3).
...So you two have made it to the ONE YEAR MARK, eh David & Paul? Hope you're even happier than you were then. Congratulations!! Has Molly been invited to the celebration?....
...MANY THANKS to all the people who helped the Foundation raise money for the down payment on its new building. Brochure folders, solicitors, & ALL those WONDERFUL contributors....
To knife-in-the-back Rick S. from Bambi Fontaine: I had better never catch you near him again or I'm going to have to get my hooves out.
For some time now, Carl Howard has written Odds 'n' Ends with the thought that he could at least keep his own name from being trashed and smeared throughout the state of Ohio. No. no, no Carl.
Carl H. what was your car doing parked along Clifton Blvd. in the early morning hours? Visiting a sick friend? Or is it lending aid and comfort? I didn't know you were once a Candy Striper. I'll bet there was chicken soup for days.
The Cleveland Heights Cultural Center will be sponsoring as Its first public lecture the topics "Tolerance Is My Byword" and "Transexuals: Our True Sisters." Guest speakers will include Sally, Debra, and Jaimie. DON'T MISS THIS ONE!
Problems living with an alcohölle? Call Ed 216-777-5023.
...If you're looking for a pleasant new place to have dinner or brunch, you might want to check the RICHFIELD TAVERN in Richfield Township near Bath, Ohio. The food is good, the ser.. vice very good and the scenery excellent. Cruise on down and have a good time in a quaint Old English/Colonial setting...
...It has been rumored, BIGGIE, that the only reason you're at the bar Sunday nights is to make eyes at a certain-Tedfellow? Any truth to that rumor. dear?...
...S. LAURENCE, what ever are you doing down there at CSU soooo much? Of all places and the time of day to be in such a location. It's been said your car has a "homing" device for the bookstore and BIJOU...better you should stick to them--at least 'til warmer weather...
Gay Parents Group: If you are interested, call Bob at 216-2286104 during the week 4:30 PM to 10:30 PM or anytime on the weekends.
Gay members of Unity interested in forming a gay rap group or just meeting other gay members of Unity living in north ern Ohio?...Call Bob (216) 228-6104.
It's forever
...CONGRATULATIONS TO .. I hear there's a man behind MISS JJ's 1980---Kathryn Alex-every tree out there in Thompander. You're on your way to the son, RICK. But the problems top, dear. Best of Luck!
...Claudette & Brian, you've been together for 4 months now. Is it really worth it, Brian?...
...Richard & Bob of Lorain, how ya' doin' now that you're permanent "roommates"?...
seems to be that you haven't seen anything but schrubs in months. Better do some transplanting soon or else call the RANGERS in for consultation.. You know what can happen when there are no trees...
...TONY, thanks for a terrific party--that apartment never had ...Ted K., who are you watch such a WARMING before that. ing out for now?.... did it?
...Who's that secret-love you've been eyeing at the bar lately, so interested but outright droolCathy Craig? It's one thing to be ing, really dear...
NEWS FLASH! Diane Soul has apparently given up porno to become a barmaid at JJ's on Sundays...
...We've been asked to deliver a VERY SPECIAL MESSAGE to Brian...CLAUDETTE LOVES YOU VERY MUCH!!!...
.Anyone for a game of CHESS, John L. Now let's see should it be or rather is it "checkmate" or "mate-check" or.. ah, we've got it---checkless. Right? Not only the opening game is important, darling, one must also plan for the "endgame." If you have any other questions why don't you "check" with Bob K.; he's an authority on the checking technique.//...
...Terry, we understand that Bob asked for the key back...is that right?...
WANTED--College students; part-time, Flexible hours for new Delivery Service. Call: (216) 267-3053.
The GEAR Foundation's Women's Caucus is meeting Monday nights at the Community Center, 1012 Sumner Court, Cleveland, at 8 PM. We are organizing women's sports. social activities and discussions of interest to lesbians. Call the Hotline: 216-621-3380 for the "T" on our activities. All women are welcome to join us!
Cleveland's only occult room specalizing in occult paraphernalia, books, aids, herbs, rare olls, readings and advice: 1849 West 65th Street, Cleveland; 216651-8137 or 216-631-9489 days and evenings..
Experienced cartoonist needed for artwork for comic strip idea call Rikianne 216-333-8388.
...Wonder what GREGG was doing wandering around all over been absolutely delicious... Florida. The stories so far have
...TORONTO is especially fine this time of the year or so Chris R. is telling. This one sounds fun: better hang onto to him for awhile.
At least he's safer than 17. Yes. danger does add spice but you can't see much of Toronto, Biloxi, or Kansas under 5-10 conditions....
BRAVO to Linda Batway newly appointed director of Women Space. Linda is wolf known for her activity in the feminist com munity over the years and we congratulate her on her recent appointment. Women Space has been doing a great job with PR and fundraising lately somebody is doing & terrific job!
...BOB B. & JOE at the 620--you two do make a cute couple. How long have you been together now??? TOULOUSE asks about you and Paul every now and then--he hasn't forgotten his kith & kin...
DIGNITY--an organization for Catholic and other Christian gay men and women, welcomes new members. Meetings are at the HALLINAN CENTER, CWRU Campus on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. The Women's Group meets at 7:00 P.M. and the general program begins at 8:00 P.M. for further information call Patti at (216) 321-9456.
...It was so nice to see SAM & HENRY out together for an even-
LAMBDA AWARD WINNERS! ...Congratulations to the Carlos, you looked dashing and ohhhhhhhhh!! But then tooooo. there is Richard, Larry, Ray and.ing Now, now, SAM, we're just admiring...
...Barry, how does one manage in one bedroom one bed apartment and two people.--the couch?????...
...Lunch at Mist-A'-Henry's can provide some very excellent company, isn't right, Danny Youngstown-area gay persons and lesbians potluck dinner, and a rap session. Third Saturday each month. Join us wherever you are. For information call Gil 216-743-3833. Bob 216-7473624, Tom 216-793-5154, or write Gil, PO Box 1742, Youngstown, OH 44501.
The Seneca County Association of Gays is a social and activity group serving Tiffin and Sececa counties and surroundings areas. For additional information, write SCAG, c/o 233 Circular St., Tiffin, OH 44883.
THE LESBIAN HERSTORY ARCHIVES collects material on every aspect of lesbian culture. If you have lesbian material that you would like to donate or want to use the ARchives, write to us or call: Lesbian Herstory Archives. P.O. Box 1258. NYC, NY 10001, 212-874-7232 or 212873-9443.
summer on the AMERICAN already negotiated with Blueboy: Hope for the gay alcoholic in.
MANANA ISLAND. Call toll-free 800-327-9191, ext. 499, or write Key West Business Guild, P.O. Box 1208-M, Key West, Florida 33040 for our new directory and map.
WANTED: male and female persons interested in acting and/or working on production on gay cast horror motion picture
in Cleveland. Starting immediately. Call Gay Hotline (216) 621-3380. Leave name and phone number for "Thursday. Kris".
Lee S., I understand your wife and your lover have left you. • Couldn't you keep either of them satisfied?... Dan K.
So Mrs. Beasley, how's little Ginger and Laureen?
PERSON WANTED: for Parmaarea HIGH GEAR distribution route. Please leave name and telephone number at Hotline 216621-3380 evenings.
Columbus: call 614-252-3972 for the gay AA group for men and
Antiques and unusual gifts by Joseph Jeannette: Buy, sell, appraisals, liquidations. Classes on antiques. 1849 West 65th Street, Cleveland; 216-651-8137 or 216-631-9489 days and evenings.
Join the Rap Group Friday evenings at the Gay Community Center of Cleveland. For more information, call 216-621-3380.
even if Henry was working/judging the MISS JJ's Contes-, tant. Love ya' both ta' pieces-Really do...
"THE TAKE BACK THE NIGHT" Committee is organizing for this year's National March, Call Diane at (216) 441-1344 after 5:00 P.M. for information on the next strategy session.
GAY LIBRARIANS! We need your help in organizing a new gay resource center library. 500 books have already been donated. Please call the Hotline (621-3380) and volunteer your professional services.
BRETHREN / MENNONITES: The Brethren/Mennonite Council for Gay Concerns (BMC) provides support and a communications link for gay Brethren and Mennonites across the U.S. and Canada in addition to working for the acceptance to lesbians and gay men in the church. Write BMC, Box 24060, Washington, D.C. 20024, for information. All correspondence confidential.
Hope for the gay alcoholic...We Care! Call 216-961-7964.
Rooms To Let: Non-smoker. In Pompano Beach, Florida; pool and tennis. Near I-95, minutes to the Ocean. $75.00 weekly. Call (1-(305) 942-4894.
Dance Group--improvisation on feminist themes----Stundays at 6:00 P.M. No previous training is necessary but a desire to move and share with women. Small fee for rental studio: Call Gayle at (216) 561-5749 or (216) 561-5746 for further information.
For people interested in a group for gay alcoholics in the Dayton area, please call Lee C. at 513381-2328 after 6 PM.